Since then PLJS has grown to
include 40 chapters.The World Lithuanian Youth Association attracts Lithuanians
ages 16-35 and addresses issues relating to culture and education. PLJS
maintains relations with governmental institutions and youth
This organization continues to organize the World Lithuanian Youth Congress every four years in a different country with a dynamic Lithuanian Youth Association. This year’s congress was organized by the Lithuanian Youth Association in the United Kingdom.
This organization continues to organize the World Lithuanian Youth Congress every four years in a different country with a dynamic Lithuanian Youth Association. This year’s congress was organized by the Lithuanian Youth Association in the United Kingdom.
Starting July 1st,
delegates explored London, enjoyed a concert with Martynas Levickis to honor the
beginning of Lithuania’s presidency of the EU Council and attended an opening
dinner with Lithuanian Ambassador to the United Kingdom Asta Skaisgiryte Liauskiene.
The members also had an
exciting opportunity to meet and even work with Lithuanian music legend –
Algirdas Kauspedas. He and his music group, Antis, were a prominent music group
during Lithuania’s resistance to the Soviet Union and still are today.
19 delegates entered their
candidacy for the new board. They had to
present speeches and their vision for the organization. Before leaving Headley
Park, eight delegates were elected the new Board of Directors.
Members of the new Board of
Directors: Kestas Pikunas (UK), Simonas Cerniauskas (Germany), Giedre Kazlauskas
(USA), Aiste Zalepuga (USA), Tomas Kuras (Canada), Gyte Mankute (UK), Darius
Tamauskas (UK), Ignas Rubikas (UK), Vija Underys (USA)
During the PLJS Congress, I
had the opportunity to meet and talk to Karolis Adomaitis who organized the
PLJS Congress in the UK, Vija Underys, who will organize the next PLJS Congress
in the USA, and Stasys Kuliavas who has been on the Board of Directors for 13
years and is a former Chairman. I asked them a couple questions to share with you.
Q&A with Karolis Adomaitis, XIV World Lithuanian Youth
Congress Project Manager
What was your vision for the XIV World Lithuanian Youth Congress
in the UK?
Our mission is to create a strong network of
Lithuanian youth around the world. Congress is a chance for every one to all
come together and to get to know each other. We like to call it our little
Why was the UK selected as the location for the Congress this
The UK has one of the most successful Lithuanian
youth organizations. The JKLJS mission statement is integration into the UK
society, while preserving the Lithuanian identity.
In the UK we organized a number of projects,
huge student summits and internship programs. We were the first to do this
internship program in which we sent students who studied in the UK to do an
internship in Lithuania.
What was the preparation for the PLJS Congress like?
It was an 18th month journey but very
exciting. I made an effort to bring together the people who are good at
different things and to make sure the team is versatile and skilled to make sure
the two weeks are the best as possible.
We split the whole program into three different
things: culture days, study days and camp in Lithuania… It was exciting to work with the team and
organize such a large event with great tradition and history.
Q&A with Vija Underys, XV World Lithuanian Youth Congress
Project Manager
Why was the US chosen as the next location for the PLJS
The US was voted in as the location for the next
congress to allow for the delegates and participants to come back to our roots…Going
back to the US for the 14th world youth congress allows for the opportunity to
meet with the organizations founders and learn not just about our organizations
history, but also about how to move PLJS forward in the future.
What is your goal for the PLJS Congress in the United States?
My own personal goal is to gleam as much [information
as possible] from people who were very active in our organization’s history.
Many of those individuals reside in – or have easy access to – the States… I am excited about the endless
learning possibilities there are with the people who created our organization
and made it flourish.
Q&A with Stasys Kuliavas, Former Chairman of World
Lithuanian Youth Association
How have you seen PLJS change over the years?
Like any relevant organization, the World
Lithuanian Youth Association has evolved greatly from its founding in 1972 and
continues to represent the interests of hundreds of thousands of young
Lithuanians, making up a significant proportion of the Lithuanian diaspora.
What has been your most memorable moment during your involvement
with PLJS so far?
Picking one moment as the most memorable after
all that time is challenging, to say the least, if even possible. Some points
that stick out to me include:
- While serving as Chair, we collectively
established a representative office for our organization in Lithuania for the
first time in its history.
- Continuing to support the Lithuanian youth in
South America, who are generations ahead in emigration. Language preservation
is a major concern of theirs, and facilitating and supporting their efforts to
maintain their language and culture is one accomplishment that resonates as an
accomplishment of our board.
What advice would you give to the new board and its members?
Work together. What makes a team successful is
its ability to draw upon the strengths of its various members, and use those
strengths towards common goals. Do not lose touch with the past. Involve former
leaders and board members - they have valuable knowledge that they are very
willing to pass on.
Before the end of PLJS
Congress, elections were held for the location of the next Congress. The 15th
Congress will be held in the United States and will mark the World Lithuanian
Youth Association’s 45-year anniversary.
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